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Wear is She Wednesday: Cycy

black NYC models - Cycy of @silvia.dreams on New York subway

Chatting with Cycy is creative self care. Her general aura is enough to inspire all of us that life is filled with endless possibilities and, she's going after all of them (in a plethora of fabulous power suits by the way). Her instagram feed is a colorful culmination of her evergrowing modeling portfolio, stand out style and artistic view of the world.

But beyond the stunning looks she serves us on the internet, is a deep and tenacious woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it. So keep reading to hear Cycy's thoughts on NYLON mags, tonal dressing and the healing effects of Marroon 5.

Hi Cycy, Please introduce your wonderful self!

Hello, my name is ‘Cycy’ I’m a creative old soul from Hoboken, NJ. There are so many creative fields that I love tapping into. Modeling has been my main focus for about 2 years now, and I feel myself wanting to dig deeper into the creative aspect of what goes into it; directing, designing, styling, photography and graphic design.

black NYC models - Cycy of @silvia.dreams in front of math equation

Model Cycy of @silvia.dreams modeling a faux fur leopard coat outfit

How would you describe your style?

My style is much like an aquarian woman haha, very unpredictable, impulsive, and super unique. I don't plan my outfits out too much these days. One of the huge determining factors of styling an outfit for me is aesthetic; I love making clothes look good. It makes me feel really confident in my styling abilities.

Tell us about the process of discovering your sense of style up to this point.

I always had this love and fascination for New York (specifically Soho) and I would walk around for hours looking at different outfits I would come across [on the street] or in the windows of stores like Chanel, MIU MIU and Zara. Frequently, I would take trips to the city (about an hour away from me), even if I didn’t have any official business there, but to no fault of my own those trips went from about 4 times a week to just for business.

I had to find other outlets to bring that same feeling of inspiration. (TV Shows; old NYLON magazines, Instagram pages for fashion etc.) I think that’s when I realized the importance of having variety and versatility in my style at this point, and evolving my sense of style.

black NYC models - Cycy of @silvia.dreams in oversized shoulder pads outfit

work from home outfit ideas via Cycy of @silvia.dreams

If you could travel to any time period in fashion, which would you choose and why?

I would travel to the 60s, the clothing during that time looked so fun and vibrant. There's a bunch of 60’s originated inspo that I still value today (like the beret hat and tonal dressing).

The pastel colors, the make-up looks. Each look I’ve seen from that time was super classy for no particular reason or occasion and I love that.

Cycy of @silvia.dreams monochromatic green outfit idea

Aside from FASHION, what other hobbies or interests do you have?

I'm currently pursuing modeling and trying to grow my skills pertaining to that everyday, but I’m also really into styling and photography. When I’m not working on one of the three, I listen to music which is always super therapeutic for me while thinking of my next moves.

What fun things are you currently loving?

I really love listening to my ‘Discover Weekly’ playlist on Spotfiy; finding new music to compliment the soundtrack of my life haha. One of my all time favorite albums is ‘Songs About Jane’ by Maroon 5, which I think I listen to at least once a week; it heals me a bit.

NYC models of color - Cycy of @silvia.dreams

Black females models NYC

What's something you're really proud of?

I'm proud of myself, I don’t say it as often as I should but I truly am. I’ve grown a lot as a person, recognizing bad habits and implementing better ones. There are so many things I plan to achieve so I’ve taught myself the importance of patience, which in my opinion is huge nowadays. Great things really do take time.

Black model on New York City subway NYC

Where else can we find you, Cycy?

You can find me on social media, Instagram to be exact @silva.dreams


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